This piece of reportage about the “dirty war Google with the homeless,” which appeared in the pages of American technological service PandoDaily . Its author is Yasha Levine, a resident of Venice (ang. Venice) – Los Angeles district known for its canals and two miles long beach. In the center of the district is the campus of Google.
My girlfriend is terrified people from Google

Street near the campus of Google, where he moved homeless. Mattresses can be seen on the sidewalk, where people sleep at night
– Me and my girlfriend were sprayed with pepper spray for nothing – says “Cory”. Homeless, but more like an aging surfer. – We sat on the sidewalk near the Google. The security guard demanded that we go away. I asked, “what do you k …, it, man,” and immediately the gas sprayed us – he says.
– My girlfriend is now the people frightened. Every time he sees Google’s bodyguard, said: “We have to go, we go.” Yet it is a public sidewalk, and we too are part of this society – adds “Cory”.
Another homeless man tells the guard spat in his face when he refused to move from the sidewalk. Yet another – presents itself as “Freedom” (ang. Freedom) he says that the seat of Google hit by a car. The evidence shows the scar on his forehead.
– Exactly December 3 was hit by a damn SUV. The driver fled. Google has a camera here, but the police released recordings. I lost a lot of blood, but Google did shit – he says.
Such history is more. People living on the street spoke about their experiences on camera. Yasha Levine went to the place with the operator to register their relationships and show the recording company representatives.
– Talk to the people here are similar to each other hear stories of harassment and intimidation by security guards. The tactics designed to make life more difficult and homeless boleśniejszym than it already is – comments.
Why they disturb the homeless began with Google
Internet giant came to Venice in 2011. He hired the famous “binoculars building” – a futuristic building with a large sculpture of binoculars at the front wall. It is located just minutes from the beach. Nearby there are bars, cafes, restaurants. Googlers can surf around, ride a bike, play volleyball, visiting galleries.
– There was only one problem to solve: the homeless. It just so happens that Google’s new headquarters is surrounded by several quarters still occupied by light industry and a large number of homeless encampments – describes Levine.
At the beginning of the presence of the urban poor did not bother Google’owi. “Building binoculars”, like other headquarters, was turned into a self-sustaining ecosystem. With restaurants that serve gourmet meals and snacks. Rock climbing, open-air cinema and a rooftop terrace overlooking the ocean. Googlers rarely went outside and did not have to watch the homeless who were camping nearby.
The situation changed when Google hired former warehouse across the street, to convert it into offices. Employees of the company were forced to go outside and cross to the other side of the street. – And people lived on the sidewalks. Some developed here for the night their tents, blankets and sleeping bags. Others slept on a number of complex cartons or in parked cars. In the morning, made their things and would leave them against the wall – describes Levine.
– When Googlers began to convey the street, homeless hung over the heads of the ax – he adds.
Google is calling the police when we use water

Street near the campus of Google, where he moved homeless. You see boxes on the sidewalk, where people sleep at night
Journalist lives nearby and watched with my own eyes how Google grabs the streets near his headquarters. Everything started with a strong lamp assembly, whose task was to illuminate the sidewalks at night. In their wake they came out to the streets bodyguards. There were more and more severe disputes between the homeless and the guards.
– One day I saw security guards pushing a big basket on wheels and throw into the possessions left by the homeless – describes Levine.
– Google? Google is a fucking asshole – says Jesse, who camped near the company’s headquarters and difficult to collect cans. He says that was a period when the guards patrolled the sidewalks with clubs and pitbulami. Protection also commonly called the police with any trivial matter. Leading journalist to tap on the lawn next to the gym. The local homeless people go there to fetch water.
– The guards call the police, because we use the tap. Although the tap is not in their area, and pays for water fitness, which does not have no problem with it. But Google thinks that the whole neighborhood belongs to them – says Jesse.
– We conduct business here. Geeks we have here (in the jargon of computer – experts). It can not be that there are homeless people around who scare people – said one of the guards journalist Google.
Levine accosted a man during a walk. He did not admit that he is from the press. When asked why przepędzają homeless, the guard pointed to a building standing on the corner. – Here we all are working engineers. Each earns one million US dollars [a year]. They have even own a barber, care about them. It can not be here all the tents – the relationship Levine said.
– The policy of zero homeless on the sidewalks at the campus may make sense for the company. The problem is that the sidewalks do not belong to Google. They are public domain. The Federal Court ruled in 2007 that homeless people in Los Angeles have the right to sleep on the sidewalks between the hours. 21 and 6 am, unless the leave little space for pedestrians and do not block gates, doors and driveways. Neither the police nor the large corporation has the right to decide who can sleep sidewalk – says journalist.
Lawful or not, Google’s strategy is working. According to Levine today around the buildings of the homeless no trace. Tents and cardboard boxes are still at a location nearby. – These people do not disappear. Others simply moved a bit further and met them there – says journalist.
They want clean streets? These will help us to get an apartment
security guard Levine’owi explained that homeless people are dangerous and behave aggressively. Throwing various objects in them, someone inside the glass brick. Hence the reaction. Homeless confirm that there have to scuffles with security guards. But the claim that defended themselves against their ejection from the area.
– If they threaten us, we started to threaten them. I’ll be damned if I give to intimidate someone who comes with a stick and says, move to the other side of the street, or you’ll get – says Jesse.
Levine also says that for the past five years neither he nor his wife had not met with any aggression on the part of people sleeping on the sidewalks. – Those with whom I spoke recently, were neither aggressive nor dirty or crazy. Many went to the pavement after the crisis in 2008 – describes Levine.
– If Google wants to clean up the streets, should help us to live in their homes again. Something done in Utah, where 74 percent. homeless now has an apartment – says Evie, well groomed brunette in neat clothes. Nobody will recognize that he is homeless and has no home for three years. Her things: blankets, sheets and pillows are piled on the sidewalk near the headquarters company website.
– In order to function in society, you need to have stable conditions. And those people with their work and all have so much money after all. They prefer us to complain than to solve the problem and give us the apartment. Many of us would then be able to take a grip, stop drinking, get a job again – he added.
City homeless
in Los Angeles, lives one of the largest homeless population in the United States . Throughout the county there are 44 thousand. This is the second result after New York. Los Angeles is the first in terms of the number of homeless who have no shelter, or sleep directly on the streets. According to some estimates, the number of homeless in Los Angeles increased by 10 percent. over the last year.
– All by the lack of jobs and rising prices rents. Lack of affordable housing is a major cause of homelessness in Los Angeles. Rates in Venice within two years increased by 50 percent. Partly by the influx of online businesses, which benefit from tax relief here and want to create a ‘Silicon The Beach’ – describes an American journalist.
The initial thought is that Google will help change this negative situation. When the company opened its office, he argued that wants to help the local community. Conveyed grants and computer equipment to schools and organizations. He sets up a fundraiser for the hospital, which provides free health care for the homeless. But how to tell the employees of organizations that help the poor, the symbolic gestures ended.
– What Google really means for the poor inhabitant of Venice? – asks Bill Przylucki, head of the organization People Organized for Westside Renewal. – Only that will take place the giant companies that paid taxes and did not benefit from discounts. And that means less money for the park, library, public services. Such a company does not intend to employ people here. Her presence will lead to for rent increases, evictions and demolition – is responsible.
– I was hoping that Google will use its influence to support social housing in Venice and the fight against the criminalization of poverty. We turned to them, but do not show any interest. This company is so centralized that it actually did not even know who to talk to – he adds.
Google: We must be good neighbors
Levine wanted to show the relationship homeless Google representatives. Department Press he had no desire for such a meeting. Also refused to comment on the allegations that security guards harass and intimidate people. As reported in Venice take place “urban processes” with whom Google has nothing to do.
“Hundreds of Google employees live and work in Venice since 2011. We are committed to the residents of the district to be good neighbors. We’re currently working with local authorities and organizations, trying to make the streets of Los Angeles safer” – the company wrote in a statement. This cooperation is notifying users of Google services from Los Angeles at events organized by the authorities, closed and renovated streets etc.
– Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin like to talk about how to use the resources and talents of the company’s employees to make the world a better place. Google wants to provide internet access to the poorest communities in the world. Provides financial support for the fight against human trafficking and discrimination based on gender. But when under its own door meets with the real problem of homelessness, the company has not thought about innovation. The will to grab a cheap and wicked solution – hire thugs took to the problem before her eyes. And let others deal with it already are doing – says Levine.
Google Poland: Information “Pando Daily” are untrue
Following the publication of the text to “Gazeta Wyborcza” wrote Piotr Zalewski, manager. Communications & Public Affairs Google Poland. We publish a statement which sent.
“The text published by ‘Pando Daily’ contains incorrect information. Protection Google will not use tear gas, batons and dogs. Perhaps due to such departures from fact, this article was not cited almost anywhere in the US, although it was published more than a week ago .
Google is in the district of Venice since 2011. and is a member of the Venice Forward – a community that struggles with homelessness. since 2010. Google may disclose non-profit organizations in Los Angeles more than $ 2 million. Part of this money was intended to improve the situation of people homeless in the area. Similar initiatives Google are also held in San Francisco, where homelessness is also very large.
Google employees, under the initiative of Google Serve regularly also help local communities. in 2015. helped with initiatives related to homelessness in Los Angeles such as preparing and serving food at St. Joseph Center and help in bud Mid website and training for organizations Venice Community Housing Corporation. “